Georgia B Simmons



Welcome to GYMBUNNY fitness – a concept created and managed exclusively by myself.
I believe that training, dieting and body transformation is best practiced by those who have been through it, who live it and who breathe it. As the British National Champion Bikini runner-up I live my own advice and unlike some other trainers or coaches, I will never advocate anything that I haven’t tried myself and know works.

I will endeavor to work with my client to design a programme that they understand and that fits around their lifestyle, goals and capabilities. I will listen to what you, my client, want and I will never, ever use a “one size fits all” approach.

My transformation packages are designed to assist you in not only in achieving the body that you want short-term, but to also change your habits and attitude towards your health and lifestyle, so that when you have completed your “support phase”, you will be fully equipped to continue on and maintain the body that you have worked so hard to achieve.

Whether you dream of shifting your post-baby weight, clearing your cellulite, achieving a 6-pac or just toning up, we will work together to build your perfect package.

I look forward to working with you,

Georgia B Simmons